the client

City Wide is a produce wholesaler and distributor committed to providing products of the highest quality. We provide unparalleled customer service for our exceptional growers and our valued buyers. No matter your needs, let City Wide Produce show you the best that nature has to offer!

what we did


increase in traffic


SEO efforts, such as: adding title tags and descriptions to all images, fixing broken links, fixing page meta titles and descriptions, disavowing toxic links, and more, generated an increase in City Wide Produce’s impressions by double, showing what they have to offer to more potential customers. It also increased their clicks by 67% and moved their average position up on Google by six spots.

Among other efforts, the VM team has made a substantial effort to link internally to the produce City Wide offers within blogs and recipes that feature those produce allowing for content clusters throughout the site. Using keyword research, we have added content that helps City Wide Produce stand out above their competition.


LinkedIn ads for City Wide Produce were set up with their target audience in mind and considering the job positions and companies that would be looking for their services. The content copy was tailored toward that same target audience, and VM designers were able to create imagery that was compelling and eye-catching. By using A/B testing, the average click-through rate was increased from 0.61% to 1.05%.

social media

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