Emily from Emily Chow Marketing completed project management and content development. She ensured the site stayed on budget and on time. Additionally, she strategized and created all site content and on-page SEO.
Our resident designer, Tina Raposo, began her design process by creating a bold and modern logo that incorporates a smiley face emblem to represent the positive, glass-half-full emotion of the brand. Her overall website design used broken grid layouts to emulate a feeling of pushing oneself outside their boundaries/comfort zone. Additionally, a darker color scheme was utilized to convey the impression of a stage in a dimly lit hall. Finally, intense electric blues and radical yellows were applied to emphasize a spotlight motif to highlight Bruce being in his element.
Peter Vigilante, our lead developer, built the site on the WordPress platform. He gave the design a sense of depth by applying 3D tilts and perspective on specific elements and creating dynamic line drawing animations to catch users’ eyes as they scroll through the website. Furthermore, he installed an event plugin that allows users to view Bruce’s upcoming events through a functional and highly stylized event list.