How to Reset your WordPress Password

If you have ever lost or forgotten your password to access the WordPress dashboard, it can be very frustrating. WordPress provides quite a few options to reset or change your WordPress password.

Reset Your Password via Email

If you’ve forgotten your WordPress admin password, you can reset it via email from the WordPress dashboard login page following these steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress login page (
  2. Click on Lost your password? at the bottom
  3. Enter the Username or E-mail of your WordPress admin user, then click on Get New Password
  4. You should get an email with the subject [WordPress Site] Password Reset. The body of this email will contain a link below the text To reset your password, visit the following address, go ahead and click on that link.
  5. Type in your new password, confirm it, then click on Reset Password

Change WordPress Password from Dashboard

  1. Click on Users
  2. Hover over your user and then click on Edit.
  3. When you see the profile, scroll down until you find the option labeled New Password. To the right of it you will see a button labeled Generate Password. Click on the button.
  4. You will see random password generated that you are welcome to use. However, if you want to create your own password, simply click on the field and start typing a new password. Note that your password will be rated. Make sure to include capital letters, numbers and a symbol to help make the password strong and hard to crack. If you have trouble with long passwords, then use a password manager to help you track your passwords. Many internet browsers allow you to track your passwords as a part of their feature set.
  5. Once you have finished changing your password, scroll down the page until you see the blue button labeled Update Profile. Click on this button to save your changes.
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