Add and remove listing owners and managers

Owners of Business Profiles can invite additional users to become owners and managers. Each person can have their own access without sharing sign-in information.  Owners, managers, and site managers all have different levels of access to the profile.

Only owners can add or remove users. But managers can remove themselves from a profile. Google Groups can’t be added as managers or owners.

How it works

There are 3 types of Google My Business users: Owners, managers, and site managers.

  • Owners: Each profile can have multiple owners, but only one primary owner. Owners and primary owners have the same capabilities, but a primary owner can’t remove themselves from a profile until they transfer their primary ownership to another user. 
  • Managers: Managers have most of the capabilities of an owner, but don’t have the more sensitive capabilities, like removing the profile or managing users.
  • Site managers: Site managers have most of the capabilities of a manager, but can’t edit all business information. A site manager can request to upgrade to a manager or owner of a verified listing. The owner can approve or deny the request.

To see a summary of the different capabilities of each type of user, view the chart below:

CapabilityOwnerManagerSite manager
Add and remove userscheckmark  
Remove Business Profilescheckmark  
Edit all URLs checkmarkcheckmark 
Accept all Google updatescheckmarkcheckmark 
Opt in or out of Bookingscheckmarkcheckmark 
Update certain location settingsEdit the name, category, or website on
a locationClose a locationCreate location groups
Manage Google Ads account linkscheckmarkcheckmark 
Use Messagingcheckmarkcheckmark 
Add custom labels to make it easy to find
particular groups of locations
Edit attributescheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Edit food delivery linkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Edit some main business info (e.g. hours and 
Edit phone numbercheckmarkcheckmark 
Edit servicescheckmarkcheckmark 
Create, manage, and publish postscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Add, delete, and edit cover photos and additional photoscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Add, delete, and edit logoscheckmarkcheckmark 
Respond to reviewscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Download insightscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark

Add users to a profile

  1. On your computer, sign in to Google My Business.
    • If you have multiple locations, open the location you’d like to manage.
  2. In the menu on the left, click Users.
  3. At the top right, click Invite new users Invite new users.
  4. Enter the name or email address of the user you’d like to add.
  5. To select the user’s role, click Choose a role and then OwnerManager, or Site manager.
    For Vigilante: add [email protected] as a Owner
  6. Click Invite. Invitees will have the option to accept the invitation and immediately become users.

This page displays all active users and people who are invited to become users. To cancel pending invitations, click X in the row with the invitation you want to remove.

When an invitation is accepted, the owners of the profile are notified through email. All users in the account can find the names and email addresses of the owners and managers of the profile.

Tip: If you want to transfer ownership of your profile to someone else, you can learn how to transfer ownership of a profile.

Remove owners and managers

  1. On your computer, sign in to Google My Business.
    • If you have multiple locations, open the location you’d like to manage.
  2. On the left, click Users.
  3. Next to the person you’d like to remove, click Remove Remove.

If you can’t click Remove Remove, it could mean that:

  • You’re trying to remove the primary owner from the profile. Transfer primary ownership to someone else, then remove the user from the profile.
  • You’re signed in as a manager. Only owners can remove other owners and managers.

When a user is removed, they’re notified through email. They will no longer be able to edit business information or take any administrative actions for the profile. But all their past responses to reviews, posts, comments, and other actions will remain.

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