Haelan Therapies is a counselling service provider based out of Prince George, BC, Canada. Their main focus is to provide therapy for individuals and couples, which includes but is not limited to traditional talk therapy. They also offer Reiki, a form of energy healing, and trauma and psychedelic-assisted therapies. Their approach is to work collaboratively with their clients to provide a safe and supportive environment, helping them to gain insight, resolve emotional distress, and achieve personal growth. Haelan Therapies’ services are designed to cater to a diverse range of needs and to support clients in their journey toward improved mental health and well-being.
the client
what they needed
Haelan Therapies was struggling to stand out from the crowd and get their message heard. Despite offering high-quality therapy services and having a team of experienced therapists, they were struggling to reach their target audience and establish their brand identity.
To address this challenge, they decided to partner with Vigilante Marketing to increase their visibility and reach their target audience.
what we did
Vigilante Marketing worked closely with Haelan Therapies to understand their goals and objectives and then developed a customized marketing strategy that focused on enhancing their brand identity, improving their website design and functionality, and increasing their online visibility through targeted digital marketing campaigns.
Vigilante Marketing’s designer and developer, David Fenoulhet, took on the challenge and started by modernizing Haelan’s logo and brand style. He incorporated natural elements and Moroccan-styled patterns to create a unique visual experience for users, setting them apart from other counsellors.
The website was designed to be simple and user-friendly, with plenty of opportunities for users to book an appointment using the fully integrated existing jane app. The photography incorporated sunlight and outdoor settings to convey the bright moments and epiphanies that can result from good counselling sessions.
In addition to the visual aspects, Vigilante Marketing also implemented custom post types in the back end of the site to make it easier for the client to add blog posts, new therapists, or resources to the site.
The result of Vigilante Marketing’s work was a visually stunning website that provided a unique and easy-to-use platform for users to book appointments and access resources. The new design also helped Haelan Therapies differentiate themselves from other counselling service providers in the market.
Overall, the collaboration with Vigilante Marketing brought significant positive changes to Haelan Therapies, which helped them gain new customers, improve their online presence and stand out in a crowded market.