As a new client (or even an existing one), you may need to know your domain registrar and name servers for various reasons, such as transferring your domain over to us or updating your DNS settings. Our Vigilante Marketing WHOIS Domain Lookup service is a tool that can help you obtain this information.
Here’s a guide on how to use our WHOIS Domain Lookup tool to find your domain registrar and name servers:

Navigate to the WHOIS Domain Lookup tool: There are several WHOIS lookup websites available, but our own is the most reliable. You can find it here
Enter your domain name: Once you have navigated to the WHOIS tool, enter the domain name, URL, or IP address of the domain in question and click ‘Search’.
View your domain details: The WHOIS tool will retrieve and display various details about your domain, such as the registrant name and contact information, registrar name and contact information, creation date, expiration date, and name server information.
Look for registrar and name server information: Scroll down the page to locate the registrar and name server information. The registrar is the company that you registered your domain name with, and the name servers are the servers that host your DNS records.
Check for privacy settings: Some registrars may have privacy settings enabled that mask their contact information in the WHOIS records. If Privacy Protection is activated, you may not be able to see much of the information, including the registrar’s name and contact information.
What to do if your registrar can’t be found: In some cases, the WHOIS tool may only display a white-labeled Registrar such as Tucows or ResellerClub. This means that the Registrar that actually registered your domain name may not be displayed. In such cases, you can try to do a web search for the domain name to see if you can find any information about the registrar or contact the support team of the white-labeled registrar to request the information.
Take note of the information: If you are able to access the information, make a note of your registrar and name server information for future reference, or send them to us right away! If you need to transfer your domain or update your DNS settings, you will need this information.
Using a WHOIS lookup website is a helpful way to find your domain Registrar and name server information. However, in some cases, the registrar that registered your domain name may not be displayed, and only a white-labeled registrar may appear in the WHOIS records. If this happens, you can try to do a web search for the domain name or contact the support team of the white-labeled registrar to request the information.
If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to contact us!