Whois Domain Lookup

What is ‘Whois’?

When you register a domain name, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires your domain name registrar to submit your personal contact information to the WHOIS database. Once your listing appears in this online domain WHOIS directory, it is publicly available to anyone who chooses to check domain names using the WHOIS search tool.

When using this tool, enter a domain name, URL, or IP address.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Whois domain lookup allows you to trace the ownership and tenure of a domain name. Similar to how all houses are registered with a governing authority, all domain name registries maintain a record of information about every domain name purchased through them, along with who owns it, and the date till which it has been purchased.

The Whois database contains details such as the registration date of the domain name, when it expires, ownership and contact information, nameserver information of the domain, the registrar via which the domain was purchased, etc.

Enter the domain or IP address for which you would like to conduct a Whois lookup in the search box above. We will query the appropriate database and provide a recent record.

If you have purchased a domain, the information stored with your Domain registrar is what is passed on to the Registry for the Whois database. Get in touch with your Registrar to make changes to the Whois contact information for each of your domains.

Some Registrars offer privacy protection services that allow their customers to mask their actual contact details in the Whois search result in order to prevent their private contact information falling into the hands of spammers and scammers. Get in touch with your Registrar to learn more about your options.

If the owner of a Domain name has used the privacy protection services of their Registrar, some details may be hidden within the Whois lookup results. Additionally, some Registries proactively conceal some information in order to comply with local data privacy protection laws.