Julie Deighton – Owner & Lead Planner of Jewel Events

Over the past few months, Vigilante Marketing has had the pleasure of working closely with Julie Deighton from Jewel Events to promote the Glow Candlelight Concert series. Together, we’ve been able to sell out shows and execute beautiful events for people who enjoy top-tier musical talent.

With the new year upon us and the spring/summer concert season quickly approaching, we thought this would be an excellent opportunity to sit down with Julie to discuss the past, present, and future of Jewel Events.

Tell us a little about yourself!

I am the owner and sole proprietor of Jewel Events in Kelowna, BC. I have 20 years of experience in the wedding and event industry in both the UK and Canada. When I came to Canada in 2012, I knew I wanted to stay in this industry, bringing many joy and happiness. I received my Canadian citizenship in 2021 and am proud to be a Canadian finally!

I try to always look on the positive side of any situation, whether personal or professional.

I genuinely enjoy tackling a challenge and believe that there are  ‘say’-ers and ‘do’-ers’ in life, and I would be the latter. I love being around motivated, ambitious people with visions and willing to take risks.

What made you want to start Jewel Events?

Some would say starting Jewel Events in the middle of a ‘Pandemic’ was a crazy idea, especially in this industry. However, I wanted to start up Jewel Events to get creative with my ideas and bring hope and something new for people to look forward to in the Okanagan, such as ‘Glow’ Candlelight Concerts. 

I studied for months while I was in lockup and achieved my Pandemic Meeting & Event Design Certificate, as this will enable me to move forward and work with Covid and keep people safe.

What do you enjoy most about the industry?

The event industry, whether weddings or concerts or small intimate dinner parties – everyone is happy! I thrive on making people happy. Also, I love having the opportunity to meet and get to know new people, finding out where they are from and just their general background.

What are your hopes for the future of Jewel Events?

I hope to take my vision of Jewel Events into 2022 by following the trend of more and more people swaying toward smaller, more intimate boutique weddings and events for 50 guests and under. Living here in the Okanagan is the perfect place as it enables for outside (and indoor) safer gatherings to happen. I want to see glasses raised and more toasts moving to a positive future.

What made you decide to work with Vigilante Marketing, and how was your experience?

A colleague recommended Vigilante Marketing, and Peter and his team have been doing an outstanding job re-modeling the website, ensuring it is more user-friendly, and working on our marketing and social media event posts. 

I like working with Vigilante Marketing because they are always on the job giving great suggestions and recommendations to grow my business. I have the comfort of knowing they are always there for me, to which I am truly grateful.

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