
Social Media Image Sizes

The most recent image size specifications for different social media networks, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more.

Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator

Are you charging enough for your freelance work? Pricing isn’t a science. There is no set market rate for marketing services. So how do you know if you are undercharging…

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Vigilante Marketing

Vigilante Marketing

Vigilante Marketing

We’re here to support you.

VM creates easy to use supports and guides for common marketing, social media, web development, web design and domain maintenance tasks.

Marketing website design and development support and resources

Vigilante Marketing

Vigilante Marketing

Vigilante Marketing

For the best performance and faster loading times get dedicated WordPress hosting.

Our servers are fully dedicated, just like us, to individual WordPress site hosting, backed by Digital Ocean and WPMU DEV. You’ll fall in love.

Dedicated WordPress Website Hosting and support